
McLean Art Projects (MAP) offers a variety of classes on the practical aspects of the Business of Art for artist groups, nonprofit organizations, cultural agencies, colleges and universities. 

Our focus is on empowering artists to think more effectively and efficiently on their own behalf. Our goal is the artists’ success.

Taught with humor and candor, classes deliver no-nonsense advice with tough-love compassion, practicality and authenticity. We share what we know about the inner workings of the art world so that artists can work smarter and more intuitively.

MAP is currently offering two classes, starting January 2022:

Art is my Business (AIMB) – a one-day intensive workshop for visual artists who are serious about effectively promoting their art and implementing a tactical plan for realizing their career goals. This exciting and fast-paced workshop will help artists understand the Business of Art through no-nonsense advice and insider tips on how to make the most of their art career.

Download our AIMB information pack here

Thriving as a Visual Artist: Maximizing Opportunity Through Goal Setting and Effective Art Marketing – a more advanced, intensive, three-session Business of Art workshop. The first session is dedicated to covering the how-to’s of goal planning. The second takes a deep dive into art marketing and audience development. The final session is comprised of individual, one-on-one meetings with artist attendees to review class materials or career-related questions.

Download our Thriving as a Visual Artist information Pack here

What people are saying (from attendee surveys from Center for Cultural Innovation. For more testimonials click here.). 

“McLean’s class put everything in perspective for me…”  

“The breadth of the presentation and attention to individual questions was so invaluable!”

“I left the workshops with the ability to visualize myself creating and implementing a marketing plan and having a successful career. What was previously an aspiration and vague hope now feels obtainable and real.” 

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