For my Annenberg lecture friends (and others who may find this post helpful)

by | Jun 14, 2017 | MAP Talks | 2 comments

Hello, Lovely Annenberg Friends!

My heartfelt thanks to you all for attending Sunday’s lecture at the Annenberg Space for Photography. Gorgeous digs there, eh? I hope you are fully recovered, and enjoying your 400-page, connect the dots tome that accompanied you home.

I also thank those who sent me super lovely emails. They are so appreciated. Truly. Your kindness warms me. I do what I do for you.

As promised, here’s a link to my resource list.

Lots of helpful goodies here – myriad artist services/service providers, support and granting agencies, helpful software for artists, books on the Business of Art, organizations that are there to lend you assistance and on and on. If you know of someone or something that should be added, please let me know.

After the talk, I chatted up a photo editor friend about the copyright/protecting your photos online issue brought up by one of our Annenberg friends. As to not leave the stone unturned, I did some Googling on the Internet machine and found a few articles on image protection and copyrighting your work with the US Patent office. Here they be.

How to Officially Register Your Photographs with the US Copyright Office
Shopify seems to be a handy resource for marketing tips, especially for ecommerce. Here’s A Legal Primer For Photographers”/selling your photos online article.
And an article from The Guardian that discusses different ways to watermark, fingerprint and elsewise protect your images.

Hoping these are helpful for our photographer friends. If there is anything else you feel I should/could share bear, send me a link or post here. I can also post stuff on my McLean Art Projects Facebook page. I am here to serve.

Look forward to seeing you out and about. Please stay in touch!

Yours Truly,

McLean xx


  1. Chenhung Chen

    Dear McLean,

    Love the lecture at the Annenberg! It really sharpened my perspective of the art business. Much appreciated!


    Chenhung Chen

  2. annie Azzariti

    I loved your presentation.  The woman next to me and spoke about how we so enjoyed you and your presentation.   I told her if I were doing your work, I would sound just like you – funny, occasional stream of consciousness, fast talker and filled with information – all motivated by a sincere desire to be of benefit to others. Ok, I am projecting. But that was my perception.  Please keep me on your e-mail list.  I am not a professional photographer like a lot of the people there.I am a Teaching Artist – teaching kids how to make documentary films.  Your information was really inspirational and helpful! So grateful…Annie Azzariti

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